7 Simple Tips to Sleep Well and Feel Refreshed

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In this go-go-go age we are living in, learning to sleep well is crucial to our health. The duration and depth of sleep in healthy people is different. The average sleep rate for an adult – seven to eight hours – has only a conditional value. Some people need nine or even ten hours of sleep, while others need five to six hours. Both of these are considered quite normal.

It is known that children and young people sleep longer than adults, and the elderly – the least. Of the young, students of schools and universities sleep worse than others. Men are less likely to complain of insomnia than women, although women generally sleep more than men. But still there are recommended standards:

Youth (age 18-25) norm (7-9 hours) maximum (11 hours) minimum (6 hours);

Adults (ages 26-64) normal (7-9 hours) maximum (10 hours) minimum (6 hours);

Elderly (over 65 years old) norm (7-8 hours) maximum (9 hours) minimum (5 hours).

A third of all life (and this is more than 20 years) a person spends in a dream. But despite this, we often do not get enough sleep and, getting up in the morning for work, we dream of a couple of hours of sleep. But it shouldn’t be! In this article, you will learn 7 simple tips on how to get up easily in the morning and feel alert throughout the day!

Let’s Explore 7 Ways to Sleep Well

1. Follow the regime

No matter how many things you have to do and work, you need to go to bed and get up at the same time. It’s much easier to finish everything planned in the morning and feel cheerful until the end of the day than to lie down late at night and then walk around like a zombie.

What time should you go to bed and wake up? Everyone will determine this for himself: “larks” are active in the morning, “owls” in the evening, there are even “pigeons” with a daily peak of activity. But from the point of view of biology, a person should go to bed at sunset and get up at sunrise: this was the case 100-200 years ago, before the invention of electric lamps.

Today, of course, everything has changed, but you should not go to bed later than 11 pm or midnight, otherwise our biorhythms begin to go astray. Accordingly, it is necessary to get up at 7 or 8 am in the morning. Early, but plenty of time to work! If you’re having trouble maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, consider using sleep tracking apps to monitor your sleep patterns and make adjustments for a more restful night.

2. Find Daily Motivation to Get Up Easier in the Morning

For many, 7 am is early. But our ancestors got up at 6, and even at 5 in the morning. Create conditions in which you will be required to get up in the morning. For example, schedule important tasks and appointments in the morning. Leave the evening for something more pleasant. Finding positive aspects in the morning awakening, you will no longer experience discomfort.

3. Use a smart alarm

Modern technology is class! In order not to hate your alarm clock, use them. To get started, put a beautiful melody to which it will be pleasant to wake up. Also, use smart alarms: they can wake you up in REM sleep, when it is easiest to wake up.

4. Create the necessary conditions for sleep

Often you can’t get enough sleep, not because you sleep little, but because of uncomfortable conditions. Ventilate your room regularly before going to bed: more oxygen will allow you to fall asleep easily and have vivid dreams.

Choose a comfortable mattress and pillow, do not use a bunch of blankets: the body should breathe, and not steam in the bath! It is also desirable to remove all nightlights and noise sources so that nothing interferes with entering the deep sleep phase.

5. Don’t use your smartphone before bed

Do you like to read the news feed while getting ready for bed? Give up this bad habit: using your smartphone in the evening delays your sleep by 1-2 hours. It has long been known that blue light reduces the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep. This means that sleep will come much later.

In modern gadgets, “night light” modes have appeared that remove this blue light. But still, do not overload your brain with unnecessary information. For the brain, this is not rest, but extra work!

6. Eat right and on time

Needless to say, food rich in all the necessary substances heals the body. And in addition to refusing fried, starchy and sweet, it is worth remembering another important rule: 3-4 hours before bedtime, give up any food, especially heavy food. Otherwise, instead of resting, your digestive system will continue to work, thereby preventing the body from falling asleep. Don’t forget to add vitamins and supplements to your diet.

7. Try Polyphasic Sleep

If you can’t sleep for 8 hours a night, you can try polyphasic sleep: a “biphasic” sleep approach becoming quite popular. A polyphasic sleep schedule may include 5-6 hours at night combined with 1.5-2 hours during the day. The result is feeling fully rested.

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Ekaterina Kuznetsova is a passionate writer. Enjoy reading stories, researching and writing my own texts. Ever since I was a child I dreamed about writing my own book. Hope, one day this dream will come true.

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