Best Businesses for Health Coaching in North Carolina


Showing Health Coaching 1-6 of 14

Health Coaching is the guidance and empowerment of individuals towards effective food and lifestyle changes that meet their unique health goals with the assistance of a supportive mentor referred to as a health coach. It is based on the idea that each individual has unique dietary, lifestyle, emotional, and physical needs. Using carefully formulated questions, motivational interviewing and planning, health coaches help with a broad variety of health issues, such as weight loss and the identification of the underlying issues, stress reduction, the management of chronic conditions, improving diet and exercise, tobacco cessation, addiction, and adjusting to a life-altering health event, like a heart attack. The main role of the coach is to encourage clients to set their own goals and develop their own strategies to change. Health coaching has been shown to demonstrate a number of clinical benefits. These include improvements in multiple biomarker risk factors (including systolic and diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, fasting glucose, body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, and cardiorespiratory fitness. Health coaching has also been proven to improve health-related quality of life. It is considered a proactive and holistic approach to health.

North Carolina is located in the Southeastern United States. Raleigh became the capital in 1792 and has an estimated population of 469,298 people. Aside from the capital, other popular cities in North Carolina include Charlotte, Durham, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Wilmington, and Asheville. There are many health professionals, gyms, and boutique fitness studios in North Carolina. Parents who move to North Carolina can use Wellistic to find local providers to help them with their needs.


