Whether you are looking to support your body through every day stress or big stress, athletic programs or just want to be mindful while exercising, this is the place for you.
Open Door’s specialty is Hot Yoga and beginner students, even those with health issues and injuries.
Open Door Yoga was founded and currently run by one of the most experienced and educated hot yoga teachers in North Carolina. Having 18 plus years of experience in the hot room, Monica Shannon has learned many lessons about how to best leverage the power of the heat without draining the system. We offer a balanced class schedule, using unheated classes of various styles in order to offer a very unique complimentary balance to either an avid hot yogi, or those who have intense lives outside of the yoga room and just need to decompress and move in a non-strenuous way. While we really like the heated practice, we know it is not for everyone and that there are times when a heated practice is not the answer for those who do it a lot. Our unheated offerings will vary season to season, but we will always offer Restorative and gentler classes on our permanent schedule. We are constantly exploring intelligent and mindful ways to increase the functionality of our bodies, using both science and our own exploration of movement through critical thinking. We have seasonal special events, workshops and trainings through out the year in order to help you educate yourself at your own pace. No matter what class you are taking, we focus on functional sustainability, breath and how to take care of yourself. It’s all done in a low key environment where we push you to work your hardest without any judgement of the result of trying. In fact, the only time you may get applauded in class is when you fall out of a posture or lay down to nap instead!
We believe that your body should be a useful tool, not a disruptive distraction. We are excited to participate in your journey towards feeling like the amazing human you are!