8 Healthy Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

Reading Time: 4 minutes

We all start the year off very eager. Lose twenty pounds, exercise every day, find true love, develop a ton of confidence, and basically turn into a superstar – all within a year. Every December, our New Year’s resolutions are wild, impatient, and a little out of touch with reality. It seems like there will be no obstacle too great on our path to success, and as soon as the next year starts, our life will make a one-eighty. But then the year does start, January progresses, and slowly rolls to a close. Out of the blue it’s already March, and our life has remained pretty much the same. What gives?

For the most part, the things to blame here are the harsh, unrealistic expectations we impose on ourselves. If you feel like you’ve been demanding a little too much from yourself and don’t think you can stick to your strict, overwhelming resolutions, we’re here to help. Here’s how to adjust your resolutions to get healthy and then actually stick to them.

1. Take a walk every day

Instead of vowing to go to the gym or do tough workouts every day, why not take it slow and commit yourself to simply taking a short walk whenever you can? If your body isn’t used to regular physical activity then hardcore training sessions might drain you and destroy your motivation to keep going.

However, a simple 30-minute walk every day is something anyone can do. If you like, you can listen to music or an audiobook while you take a stroll, or you can use your walk to do some grocery shopping or finish another kind of chore. Creating sustainable exercise resolutions is important for motivation. The benefits of exercise, like decreasing the risk of heart diseases and lowering blood pressure, are well worth the time you put in.

2. Replace some of your bad snacks with healthy options

Diets can be tricky to stick to, especially if you decide to make a huge switch and change everything about your eating habits all at once. To avoid getting overwhelmed, why not vow to change bad eating habits one by one? You can start with your snacks – instead of buying chocolate, cookies, chips, or other types of greasy/sugary snacks, replace them with fruits and nuts. That way you’ll have an easy time reaching for something healthier and less caloric. Choosing healthier foods has long-term health benefits and your body will thank you for the changes you make to your diet!

3. Get your teeth fixed

Visiting a dentist is something everyone keeps postponing, and in general a lot of us have poor teeth hygiene in. So, why not make it one of your resolutions to simply prioritze your oral health?

You may be surprised to know that having teeth issues can have negative effects on health. You can start by eating less sugar. According to Australian statistics about dental health, only 8% of adult Aussies eat too much sugar in a day. In America, it turns out most of us eat the equivalent of 17 spoons of sugar a day. Aussies simply have us beat. Scheduling regular checkups with a dentist or an orthodontist is a common practice, and it’s definitely a habit we should all start adopting. Eat less sugar, see your dentist, and remember to floss every day! You can thank us when you earn yourself a bright shiny smile.

4. See your doctor regularly

It’s not just your dentist that’s missing you – it’s your GP, too. As uncomfortable as it may be, this one is a fairly easy resolution to make. Stop skipping your checkups and go see what the state of your health is really in. Your primary care physician can talk to you about disease risk factors, healthy, long-term diet options, and other health tips. You’ll feel much better when you’re done.

5. Read at least one book

You don’t have to read fifty, or twenty, or twelve books. Make it one of your wellness resolutions to read one or two this year. And it doesn’t have to be a door-stopper classic or a complicated non-fiction book either. Choose a fun thriller, make some coffee to go along with it, and simply give yourself space to enjoy a book with no expectations imposed.

Reading is really good for your mental health, but only if you allow yourself to truly enjoy it instead of forcing it. Carve out time for rest and replace your screen time with a book. You’ll find relaxing benefits in no time!

6. Don’t eat after 8 PM

Here’s another realistic goal to adopt. Late night eating is bad for our health because it increases our chance of weight gain, affects our blood sugar levels, and can cause acid reflux and problems with memory and concentration. So, instead of indulging in midnight snacks, try to have your last meal of the day around 8 PM at the latest. Our relationship with food can be a hard habit to break, but choosing healthy meals that keep you full will help your snacking habit disappear!

7. Learn how to make a few new meals

It’s generally a lot easier to eat healthy if you know how to cook. Of course, you don’t have to turn into a renowned chef overnight – start with a few simple recipes that you can build into your busy schedule. Learn a new healthy recipe every once in a while, and you’ll be expanding your repertoire of delicious, low calorie meals that you can rely on to keep you in shape. Healthy, home-cooked meals don’t have to be complex! Start with making two simple meals per week that you can incorporate into a healthy diet.

8. Start wearing sunscreen

Don’t forget about the health of your skin! Instead of allowing your skin to sag, wrinkle up, and develop hyperpigmentation due to photodamage, protect it with a layer of sunscreen each day. It’s an easy habit that will allow you to look youthful for a long time to come. Adding sunscreen to your daily routine is an attainable resolution that anyone can accomplish!

Start slow, stay consistent, and you’ll get far in achieving your wellness goals. Even if you adopt only a few of these healthy resolutions, your physical health and emotional health will improve. You’ll have a healthier, more productive year ahead of you.

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Sophia Smith is a beauty and lifestyle blogger, graphic designer and a food enthusiast. She is very passionate about eco-friendly and green topics, sustainable fashion, eco beauty, and conscious business. You can find out more about her writing by following her on: Twitter (@sophia_bri)

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