8 Ways To Practice Self-Care While Wearing Invisalign

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Invisalign is among the perfect teeth-aligning treatments today. This system is very discreet compared to traditional braces. Invisalign treatment uses a series of trays that helps improve bites and other dental issues.

This treatment requires care to remain effective and invisible. Therefore, patients must understand how to treat the trays and care for them. Failure to do so might mean the self-esteem you’re yearning for will remain a fantasy, especially if the trays develop discoloration. 

To help you prevent this, here are some of the best ways to practice self-care while wearing Invisalign. You can also consider visiting Invisalign dentists for further advice when it comes to caring for yourself and the trays.

1. Ensure Your Teeth Are Always Clean

While Invisalign trays are used to cover your teeth to correct different dental issues, they shouldn’t be used to cover dirty teeth. If food particles and debris get trapped between the teeth or gums before putting the aligners on, they could sit for a prolonged period, leading to dental issues such as decay or gingivitis. It is therefore vital to ensure you maintain proper dental hygiene by flossing and brushing your teeth before putting on the aligners.

2. Develop A Cleaning Habit For The Aligners

Keeping your teeth clean is one thing and keeping the aligners spotless is another. They must be cleaned separately to avoid spreading bacteria to the other. One of the best ways to ensure the Invisalign maintains its integrity is by cleaning it often. Develop a habit of cleaning the tray in the morning and evening and whenever you take them off.

When cleaning the Invisalign, you should be gentle. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild toothpaste to avoid damaging the aligners. Keeping the aligners clean prevents bacterial build-up and foul smell, thus maintaining a beautiful, healthy smile.

3. Avoid Cleaning The Invisalign With Abrasive Materials

Invisalign is a bit delicate. A slight mistake can interfere with their color, making them appear dull and more visible. To avoid this, ensure that the aligners don’t come into contact with abrasive ingredients such as soap, mouthwash, or denture cleaners.

4. Avoid Eating And Drinking With The Invisalign On

First of all, eating with Invisalign is challenging. Besides chewing difficulties, eating with the aligners can harm the trays. invisalign caseAlthough the trays are sturdy, regular contact with hard food particles can compromise their integrity and colored drinks might cause discoloration.

Besides that, when eating with the aligners on, food particles can find their way into the aligners. This can develop into a perfect breeding zone for microorganisms and this can negatively impact your dental health. Fortunately, aligners are designed to be removed, thus preventing these scenarios is easy.

5. Protect The Invisalign From Direct Heat

The Invisalign can come into contact with heat in different ways. For instance, some people might be tempted to clean the trays with hot water to destroy germs and bacteria. On the other hand, some might drink hot beverages with the trays on. Unfortunately, when this happens, the trays can become brittle or deformed. Whether cleaning or drinking, protect the aligners from direct heat contact.

6. Rinse The Aligners Whenever You Take Them Off

It’s advisable to rinse the trays whenever you take them off. This will eliminate the saliva build-up, reducing the chances of bacterial growth. As far as rinsing the trays is concerned, you should do so even while away from home. Therefore, ensure that water is within reach before taking them off.

7. Soak The Aligners Daily

Soaking the Invisalign daily keeps it odor-free, virtually invisible, and hygienic. Add the Invisalign cleaning crystals into a cup of warm water, then add the trays and let them sit for not less than 15 minutes. Then brush the trays with a soft-bristled brush and appropriate cleaner.

8. Store The Invisalign In Their Case

Whenever you take the Invisalign off, they should go directly to the case. Whether taking them off briefly or when going to bed, there’s no other safe place to store them than in their case. Failure to do so can result in losing or damaging them. You also don’t want to contaminate them with germs by leaving them lying anywhere.


Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign is less noticeable and minimally invasive. One key feature of Invisalign is that it’s not so noticeable. This treatment is even better since it’s easy to take care of as well as procure.

Unfortunately, a slight mistake can lead to the trays’ discoloration, making them more visible. For this reason, it’s important to practice self-care and understand how to care for them. A user of Invisalign should maintain proper dental hygiene and ensure the trays are always clean to prevent bacteria build-up. Consult a reliable dental expert in your area if you are considering using Invisalign. Make sure you practice the tips above to maintain that perfect smile you’ve desired for so long.

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John Patrick is a professional health and wellness consultant, sharing his expertise in the industry for more than 14 years. He shares his knowledge by conducting webinars and blogs. During his free time, John loves scuba diving, snorkeling, and cruising.

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