Acquiring a Balanced Diet During Pregnancy

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Pregnancy is the ultimate stage of motherhood. There are a lot of changes that occur in a woman’s body and so, a lot of care goes into your lifestyle to maintain and sustain the life inside you. Therefore it is necessary to sit down and figure out the important aspects that need attention in pregnancy. One of the most important things to consider is a balanced diet. The fetus develops from the nutrition it gets from the mother’s body, so getting the proper balance in your food is significant for your little one.

Here are some tips for acquiring and maintaining a balanced diet during pregnancy:

Know the essential nutrients in a balanced diet:

A pregnant woman needs a lot of nutrients in the proper combination for healthy development. They include our proteins, starch, fibers, anti-oxidants, good fats, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients are further divided into calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, Vitamin A, B6, B12,C, D, Folic acid, and many more. They act as the building block of the fetus’s body. 

Knowing their importance and source ingredients:


  • Calcium is responsible for building the bones and teeth of the baby. It is important for strengthening the bones of women as well. 
  • Moreover, this nutrient helps in developing the fetal heart rate, muscle, and nervous system. 
  • So don’t miss out on calcium-rich food like milk, yogurt, and leafy-green vegetables!


  • Phosphorus is a super important mineral for the development of bones, easy blood clotting, cell repair, and maintaining a healthy heart rhythm.
  • The best way to get phosphorus is by consuming dairy products, cereals, fish, eggs, grains, lentils, nuts, etc. 


  • Probiotics may help improve digestion and prevent constipation, a common issue during pregnancy.
  • Probiotics is also essential in reducing the risk of vaginal and urinary tract infections, which can be more common during pregnancy.
  • You can get your probiotics from yogurt, buttermilk, sourdough bread, cheese, kefir, kombucha, tempeh, miso, kimchi, pickles, and more. Another option is also taking dietary supplements such as probiotics for women.


  • Iron is a vital mineral for the development of the fetus as it increases the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the body. As a result, it enables greater efficiency in supplying oxygen to the baby. 
  • For getting the most of iron, you might need to include green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, green peas, eggs, lean red meat, and cooked oysters among others. It is recommended that you should consume 27-30 mg of iron per day.


  • Magnesium is like a friend in need. It helps in maintaining the ideal birth weight for the baby, blood pressure, and managing episodes of nausea and other pregnancy issues. 
  • So taking the natural source of magnesium like leafy vegetables, dry fruits, pumpkin seeds, oatmeals, etc or magnesium supplements prescribed by a physician can make a difference in the long run.


  • Vitamin A is necessary for a strong immune system, good skin, and eyesight. We get vitamin A from carrots, spinach, tomato, milk, etc.
  • Vitamin B6 is crucial for the cognitive development of the fetus as well as delivering necessary nutrients and proteins to them. It also assists in the formation of new red blood cells and increases the oxygen in the body for both mother and child. B6 is readily available in whole grain wheat, plain yogurts, cereals, chickpeas, bananas, fishes or one can consume supplements if prescribed. 
  • Vitamin B12 aids in the right development of the brain, and spinal cord and keeps our nervous system intact. Its benefits are best seen along with folic acid as it helps build red blood cells and prevent spine-related birth complications. Important sources of B12 and folic acid are milk, meat, fish and oranges, lime, and legumes respectively.  
  • Vitamin C strengthens the bones, and immune system and helps in creating healthy cells. The best source of vitamin C is Kakadu plums, orange, strawberries, mango, tomatoes, and broccoli to name a few.
  • Vitamin D contributes to calcium & phosphate absorption in the body and the growth of fetal bone structure. Additionally, it helps in the overall formation of the fetal into the baby. So you must give special attention to Vitamin D. You can get it from oranges, milk fortified with vitamin D, sardines, salmon, egg yolk, 

Along with the art of maintaining a balanced diet, there will be a moral lesson that you’ll learn…the biggest lesson of pregnancy of eating for two, but in the right way. You must consume all the nutrients in such a way that it won’t let you feel bloated or low in energy. Therefore it is an essential tip for pregnant women to eat and nourish themselves with a properly planned lifestyle. 

A balanced diet along with balanced movement will help you feel comfortable. Monitoring your fetal growth with your physician is something you should keep in mind. As constant development will aid you in forming your dietary pattern. There will be some prenatal supplements prescribed by your doctor to provide you with nutrients that your fetus might need.

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Dr. Kulyk Alexander Petrovich is a Ukraine-based gynecologist, with extensive experience in women's health. In 1995, he graduated from the Kyiv Medical University, and specialized in gynecology. He then went on to work as a gynecologist in the Institute of Pediatric, Obstetrics and Gynecology in Kyiv, where he worked until the year 2000.

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