Pregnancy Glow: How Hormones Affect Your Skin

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Are you expecting and noticing a newfound glow up you haven’t anticipated? Maybe you’ve heard people talking about pregnancy glow, but what exactly is it, and where does it come from? In this blogpost, we’ll be discussing all about pregnancy hormones and the different ways they can work wonders for your appearance. Read on to discover and understand this surprising aspect of carrying your bundle of joy!

Radiant skin

Pregnancy is a wonderful and exciting experience for mothers-to-be. While the journey can come with challenges, one of the many perks of pregnancy is the noticeable glow that seems to emanate from a pregnant woman’s face. A common explanation for this radiance is the increased production of pregnancy hormones. These hormones cause changes in the skin, such as increased blood flow and hydration, which leads to a plump and dewy appearance.

Additionally, hormones like estrogen and progesterone can stimulate the production of collagen, a protein that helps keep skin firm and youthful-looking. So, while you may not always feel your best during pregnancy, your skin will definitely be glowing and radiant.

Rosy cheeks

Bringing a new life into the world is indeed a magical time in a woman’s life. With it comes numerous changes in one’s body, including the rosy cheeks that can be a telltale sign of pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones are responsible for the flush in one’s cheeks, and it is known as the pregnancy blush.

As the body goes through the process of growing a tiny human, hormones like estrogen and progesterone improve blood circulation to the cheeks and other areas of the body to support the growth and development of the fetus. This increase in circulation results in the rosy glow on a soon-to-be-mom’s face. While some women may find it embarrassing or uncomfortable, many others embrace the pregnancy blush as a beautiful and natural reminder of the miraculous journey of pregnancy.

Bigger breasts

Pregnancy is an amazing journey for many women. While it is common knowledge that a woman’s body undergoes significant changes during pregnancy, many are unaware of the role that hormones play in this transformation.

One of the most noticeable changes is the increase in breast size. This occurs as a result of hormonal changes that include an increase in estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin. These hormones work together to stimulate the growth of the milk ducts and mammary glands, which leads to a fuller and more voluptuous look. While the experience is not the same for everyone, one thing is for certain – the change in breast size is an unmistakable sign of the amazing things happening inside a pregnant woman’s body.

Luscious lips

Full of changes and surprises, pregnancy is indeed a wonderful blessing. One undeniable side effect of pregnancy is the increase in hormone levels which may lead to beautifully full and luscious lips! The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can cause blood flow to increase throughout the body, including the lips, resulting in a fuller pout.

Additionally, the increase in estrogen and progesterone levels can stimulate the production of collagen in the lips, making them appear plump and youthful. Many pregnant women enjoy basking in this newfound beauty, embracing their enhanced lips and flaunting their pregnancy glow. Though the changes are temporary, it’s a reminder of the wonders of the female body and the magic of motherhood.

Voluminous hair

During pregnancy, many women experience a significant change in the quality of their hair. High levels of hormones, particularly estrogen, can stimulate the hair follicles and prolong the growing phase of hair. This leads to a thicker, fuller head of hair. While some women may experience other changes in their hair, such as increased oil production or unwanted hair growth, fuller hair is a common side effect of pregnancy hormones. It’s important to note that not all women experience this type of hair growth during pregnancy, and it typically goes away after giving birth as hormone levels return to normal. Despite this, enjoy luscious locks while you can!

Stronger nails

Pregnancy is an exciting and transformative time in a woman’s life, bringing with it a host of changes – both physical and emotional. Pregnancy hormones play a key role in these changes, and while some may bring discomfort and annoyance, others can have surprisingly positive effects. One such effect is that of stronger, healthier nails! It’s true – pregnancy hormones can actually stimulate nail growth and development, helping women achieve a lustrous, strong set of nails. So go ahead and enjoy your naturally pretty unpolished nails!

Wrap up

All in all, pregnancy hormones can certainly make a difference in how you look during your pregnancy. It might be difficult to feel beautiful when your body is changing so quickly and dramatically, but there are certain positives that come along with those lovely hormones! Whether it’s having a glowing complexion or thicker hair, celebrating the beauty of your changing body is a great way to make the most out of your pregnancy experience. This process will also likely help build confidence and self-love as you embrace your newfound beauty. So why not revel in it?

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Regi Publico is a writer based in Manila. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge through every article that she writes.

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